The demise of ADDAX, a SWISS bioenergy company to lay off a total of one thousand two hundred and fifty workers by the end of this week is not good news for the government and people of Sierra Leone, hope our Civil Society’s and Non-Governmental Organizations are not celebrating on this great calamity.

Other multi-national companies have come and gone without any tangible development the country can boast of, narrow-minded CSOs and NGOs continues to berate genuine investors out of the country.

Their paymasters in the Diaspora are having field day to wreck the country by saying all sorts of gibberish about Sierra Leone in the internet and other social media platforms which deterred investors to come to come and invests.

The government should be rigid on some of these CSOs that are causing unpleasant working environment for the people of Sahn-Malen Chiefdom Pujehun District.

The plethora of lies and fictitious stories published by these sinful CSOs/NGOs asked whether they are Sierra Leoneans or ‘Ambassador of Poverty’ in their motherland. 

The rancor these Non-Governmental Organizations or Civil Society’s Organizations have for legitimate investors will continue to unpopular the Koroma administration is nothing is done to curb the worsened situation.

The managements of Socfin according to our information are disturbed and perturbed on the campaign of calumny against their company.

The government and other MDAs are doing nothing to address the messy situation; President Koroma was astounded to the kind of development he witnessed in Sahn-Malen Chiefdom.

The body language of President Koroma at the Malen playing field shows how appreciable was the President to a company that is heavily criticized by some irrational CSOs/NGOs.

A sitting Minister confided to The Spectator at Sahn-Malen during the official opening of the company recounted that Sahn-Malen chiefdom is a works yard to breed young Sierra Leoneans to steered agricultural activities in the country.

The President openly applauded Management of Socfin and the Chiefdom authorities for such a wonderful development in that part of the country.

The Chiefdom authorities are desperately calling on the government, most especially President Koroma to protect Socfin Agricultural Company from the hands of greedy and selfish NGOs and CSOs.

In a opened letter addressed to President Koroma, Attorney General, Agriculture Minister and other stakeholders in the country with about 500 signatories the Malen people openly appealed to the Executive Director of Green Scenery Mr. Joseph Rahall and Mr. Manu Eggen contact person FIAN-Belgium to stop interfering ‘With our Lives’.

“As far as we the people of Malen Chiefdom are concerned, there are no illegal actions going on including, land grabbing, human rights violation, intimidation as you alleged.” The release state.

“The Socfin project has provided jobs for the people of Malen Chiefdom which has increased a positive economic impact added to its Corporate Social Responsibilities are strides in the right direction which did not exist before, hence our lives have changed much for the better.”

“We kindly appeal to you to put your interest somewhere else and you including the former Member of Parliament, now MALOA, who lost the democratic elections because he has been against Socfin from the beginning. 

Leave us in peace and leave us alone. NGOs can have a positive turn, but your action are proving too destructive and you are no where supported by the people of Malen Chiefdom.

A total amount of over 31 billion Leones was paid to land owners in land compensation for economic trees and the total concession area is 45,647 for which an annual lease payment is paid amounting to 1,323,800,000 Leone every year, only 12,319Ha is being utilized by the plantation.

The whiff is all around Sahn-Malen and Pujehun District that enough is enough and the local authorities called on the government to take stringent action wade-off ingrates CSOs/NGOs from their chiefdom.

Read the original article here: http://www.salonetoday.com/newspapers/spectator/will-president-koroma-salvage-socfin-from-the-hands-of-csosngos/