The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) belongs to the Sierra Leonean Government by pursuance of the Environmental Protection Agency Act, 2008 and reports to the Office of the President. This Agency aims to audit and monitor companies operating and investing in Sierra Leone in order to measure the impacts of their operations and activities on the environment. The EPA (SL) issues an Environmental Impact Assessment Licence for a one year period at a time authorizing companies to operate, and in the case of SAC the license permits the development of an oil palm plantation and processing mill in the Malen Chiefdom, Pujehun District.
The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) License has been granted to SAC on the 19 January 2012, renewed on the 19 is a very costly but necessary license. This licence is issued according to the compliance of the Company within the “Terms and Conditions on the issuance of an EIA Licence” which describes the requirements needed to achieve compliance with the EIA Licence. Any failure to comply to the certification would attract the necessary penalties and lead to the suspension, cancellation or revocation of Environmental Permit. The conditions of assessments differ in two areas, the theoretical and the implementation. Environmental Management and monitoring reports are sent quarterly and yearly to the EPA describing every activity the company undertakes and the mitigation measures put in place (with timelines and costing) to avoid or reduce the impacts. The reports should include the program and plan on the following topics:
- General and Hazardous Waste Management
- Occupational Health and Safety Management
- Community Benefits and Development Action Plan
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Legal and International Regulatory Requirements
- Water, Soil, Air and Noise Monitoring Report
- Soil Erosion Management
- Water Resource Management
- Oil and Hydrocarbon Management
- Energy Management
- Environmental Incident Management